Monday, May 19, 2014

5.19.14- AHW

I'm doing AHW yayy how exciting even though I don't think anything I can write rn could measure up to what fawaz wrote I think yesterday so you should go read that cause it makes you wonder why things like that still exist.
I've been really busy lately because in math we have a lot of work and not so much time left cause you have to cover a lot in 7/8 math to go into algebra (if u are) next year. It's super stressful for everyone (teachers and students) because now we have a lot of work and a test every week. Tests really are kinda repetive. I wish teachers would do something besides just a test because it really doesn't show what you know. Everyone's different and some people are just bad at test taking and that could bring everything down. Their grades, their scores, even their job in the long run because people look at their test grades.
Anyway I gotta go because it's almost 7 bye

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