Friday, November 1, 2013

11.1.13- The Doorbell

"Trick or treat!" I chorused. It was Halloween, and it was pouring. Rain dripped through the leaves, and every so often, there was a quick but freezing wind that blew though the streets. So basically, I was cold. I was entirely soaked, and my hair was tangled and dripping. Just a small price to pay for the amount of candy my street was handing out. There was almost nobody trick or treating because of the weather, so every house was desperately trying to get rid of their candy into my bag. But then, I skipped up the uneven bricks to a small one story house with some pumpkins. Even though the outside light wasn't on, their house was decorated and their indoor lights were on. 
I walked up to the brick house and looked for the doorbell. When I didn't find one, I knocked on the door and waited patiently. When a small, frail old lady opened the door, I did my part and chimed, "Trick or treat!" I smiled at the lady. "Happy Halloween!" 
She looked annoyed. She walked over to her bowl of candy and practically spat at me, "Does the doorbell work?!" 
I stood there, silent until I found my voice a few seconds later. "Um, I didn't see it. I'm sorry?" I questioned, still slightly smiling in an attempt to change her mood. 
She raised her eyebrows in a very rude manner at me. "Oh, you didn't see it? Hmm, let me check if it still works." She then leaned over her doorframe and looked around for the almost nonexistent doorbell. It was the exact same color as the bricks in her house and there was moss covering every part but the button. To add to that, she hadn't turned on her outdoor light, so there was no possible way I would be able to see it. She then spotted her doorbell, leaned over, and hit the button. A distant bell rung through her house.
"Oh, it does work!" She said in distant fake wonder. "Hmm."
I was speechless. 'Rude,' I thought, resisting the urge to roll my eyes. She then handed me a piece of candy and practically slammed the door in my face.
"Well Happy Halloween to you too," I muttered quietly while stepping down the walkway. "Well, at least now I have an interesting story to tell."

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