Wednesday, March 5, 2014

3.5.14- Controversial AHW

So I tend to come on here for AHW and write about something I think or want to express my opinion on. I don't think that a bad thing necessarily, because what better way? Yelling in class or trying to change it at school clearly doesn't help, and so this is the second best option? (Maybe not the best, but oh well.)
So Kylee wrote on her blog for AHW tonight ( and I wanted to kind of reply to it, but I have to much to say for a comment. 
She wrote about what happened in class today, and if you don't know what happened, you don't need to know. Go read hers first btw.
I know everyone knows I'm best friends with kyky, but I have a different opinion. (Sorry ky) Not entirely different, but i think that everything today was blown so far out of proportion, it's ridiculous and slightly unfair for everyone. Why should we have a lose-lose-lose situation? Yes, we had a sub and some guests and we could have had better behavior. Sure. And yes, we were loud and probably obnoxious, also probably rude, but yelling at us and shaming us isn't getting us anywhere in the long run.
If a class does something wrong, a teacher disciplines them. Easier said than done. The wide range of the word 'discipline' ranges from a time-out to actually hurting them. (*IN OTHER PLACES NOT HERE*) some teachers will say, "it's the only way we can get you to listen." Not when you are wasting some of our learning time and assuming the people who did it. Yelling at the entire class is unnecessary, as is assuming who did whatever happened. (Not naming names, but this next person knows who they are if they're reading this) if a teacher lectures a class, and points out clearly who they're blaming, there's really no point to not name them. (Not that they should.) especially if you could ask some students clearly who's blame it is, and it isn't them. What I'm saying is, don't blame people you assume did it. They don't deserve that. And don't blame the entire class.
We have to realize that teachers/subs/higher ranked people are still human. They make mistakes. They're NOT PERFECT. We've been taught to automatically look up to them, and agree, and follow. There comes a point when higher ranked people have to realize the power they show, and that they are perfect. They don't have the same opinion as some (clearly, cause I'm writing this HUGE thing) and it shouldn't be forced on us.
So basically in conclusion, some questions.
Why do kids get the example that discipline is the answer, and then we act surprised when the rebel or do things on the news? They were brought up this way.
When will we accept kids that they have opinions too? Not all are 'young' and 'impressionable' some have thoughts too. 

And also, I'm not the only one who thinks this. I'm the only one who actually wants to say it. :)
This was all free hand, and i don't want anyone yelling at me. If you have a different opinion, can for once we just calmly state them? I've seen to much yelling and stressed-ness today.
(Ps, that was long. Bye.)

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