Monday, September 30, 2013

9.30.13- My Small Moment #2

Traditionally, in Grand Haven, every summer night there is a light show. Basically, you watch a fountain shoot out water, colored lights, and music while sitting on some freezing bleachers. But it's fun. Sometimes. This particular time, though, it was dripping rain and freezing cold. It didn't really help with the fact that the bleachers were in front of a man made river. On one side were the bleachers, and on the other was the fountain. 
It seemed like it took forever for the show to finally start. My parents were admiring the river and taking their time, but I was ready to move on. I mean, to be honest, if I wasn't there for the trip, I don't think anything would get done besides staring at a museum wall for 2 days. So they should thank me.
While they talked on and on about whatever new history they had picked up I circled around them again and again trying to get their attention. Nothing else had worked, so I had to resort to this. I got dizzy, but they finally noticed me.
"Stop that," my dad said, half listening to my mom still. 
I stopped. But only briefly. I did this routine about 5 times until they finally asked me what I wanted to do.
"We have an hour. What do you want to do?" My mom asked.

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