"Seriously? It's raining?" My cousin Kiri complained.
She was right. It was pouring. The raindrops leaked down the window and the entire car was freezing. If you looked down at the road, you could see that there were puddles everywhere and the car splashed through them.
Kiri's dad tried to calm her down, but she wasn't having it. I agreed with her though, it was a pretty terrible day for rain.
Today was the first day of camp at LOMC. Emma started at LOMC, then Kiri joined her, and about three summers later I started going. It was my third year.
Of course, it had to rain on the day we got dropped off and had to deal with all our stuff. Plus, there was dirt and dust everywhere, and now it was mud.
Suddenly, we took a sharp turn onto a side dirt road with a wooden sign that read
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