Thursday, March 14, 2013

3.14.13- Identifying Reasons: Questions

Identifying Reasons - Questions
Answer the following questions about your character. Use what you know about how he or she acts, speaks to other character, and thinks. You may re-read your text to help you with your responses.

How did people or situations influence the character I’m writing about?
People and situations influence my character when they tell her that she is not able to do the job she wants to do and the job she enjoys. They force her to do a job that she doesn't enjoy, just for the money. But she knows in her heart that she doesn't want to be doing the jobs she is busy working on, she would rather be writing, which is the thing she enjoys working on. They influence her that she shouldn't be doing what she loves, but what she is required to do.

Why does he or she change?
She changes because the people around her don't give her enough opportunities, enough things to do. She would most likely be a very different person if it wasn't for the ways of the world affecting her thoughts and ideas, along with her creative process.

Explain what will continue to hold him or her back?
Other people's opinions and thoughts hold her back, because she is shy, and she's not willing to profess her ideas to everyone. In this way, she only hears other people's ideas and how good they are, and nobody will compliment her or help her with her ways.

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