Thursday, March 28, 2013

3.28.13- Literary Essay

When I'm reading, I always like books that have a storyline or a character that you can imagine in your life. It makes the book seem more realistic, as if it could really happen. Stories like Swim by Jennifer Weiner, where the main character Ruthie learns that sometimes you have to not let what's past affect your future.

In the beginning of the book, Ruthie is continuously reminded of her past. The problem is, she remembers her past so vividly, but she doesn't want to. She hates her past, but she is forced to explain it everyday. She finally learns that she needs to forget about it, and not think about it. So even when her ex-coworker that betrayed her calls offering a job, she denies it and hangs up. She finds that when she pays more attention to the future, part of her thinks that its was the weirdest thing. Even when she meets someone new, he reminds her of someone else from her past, but she decides to ignore it.

Wednesday, March 27, 2013

3.27.13- Home

Spring break is just... THANK YOU GOD.
Heehee hi.
^^ so I think you got the message ;) ^^
I have a math test tomorrow, ha I wonder how many people who are actually going to do well. The other half will be WAY too distracted (by the fact that spring break is SO CLOSE) to do any actual work.
But moving on.
Everyone loves spring break. There are two kinds of people. The ones who LOVE spring break... And the liars. No kidding.
My writing so far looks crazy. I have like capitols and parentheses and smiley faces everywhere... Whoops
Oh well too bad so sad.
I just realized that I TOTALLY FORGOT to write last night AHH I forgot and that's all I can say...

3.27.13- Literary Essay

When I'm reading, I always like books that have a storyline or a character that you can imagine in your life. It makes the book seem more realistic, as if it could really happen. Stories like Swim by Jennifer Weiner, where the main character Ruthie learns that sometimes you have to not let what's past affect your future.

In the beginning of the book, Ruthie is continuously reminded of her past. The problem is, she remembers her past so vividly, but she doesn't want to. She hates her past, but she is forced to explain it everyday. She finally learns that she needs to forget about it, and not think about it. So even when her ex-coworker that betrayed her calls offering a job, she denies it and hangs up. She also says

Tuesday, March 26, 2013

3.26.13- Literary Essay

For some reason, when I'm reading, I always like books that have a storyline or a character that you can imagine in your life. It makes the book seem more realistic, as if it could really happen. Stories like Swim by Jennifer Weiner, where the main character Ruthie learns that sometimes you have to not let what's past affect your future.

Monday, March 25, 2013

3.25.13- Home

It's the Monday before spring break! Usually on Mondays at 6-7:30 I have catecism, but I don't have it this week because of Holy Week and I don't have it next week because of... Spring break, obviously! But that's completely fine with me. No complaining on my part.
We have Friday off this week, I think. And the whole next week off. And the weekend.
That's a lot of break time. Cool.
I didn't even realize that it's already 7pm. JUST KIDDING. I actually thought it was like 8pm right now. Huh. Bad estimate on my part, I guess.
For some reason today, I could never remember the date. So here's hoping that it really is 3.25.13 and I wasn't dating everything wrong today.
Haha, I just checked. Thank goodness it's 3.24.13. I mean, I checked the date repeatedly today, but I keep getting paranoid that I'm wrong. You know, that feeling you get where you just have to check over and over to make super-extra-double sure?
Yup, that feeling. You guessed it.

Well, bye.


3.25.13- Literary Essay

For some reason, when I'm reading, I always like books that have a storyline or a character that you can imagine in your life. It makes the book seem more realistic, as if it could really happen.

Friday, March 22, 2013

3.22.13- Literary Essay Rough Plan (cont.)

Literary Essay Rough Plan

Claim: Ruthie from the story 'Swim' by Jennifer Weiner learns that sometimes you have to not let what's past affect your future.

Reason 1: When Ruthie is reminded about her past, she leaves it behind and doesn't take those memories into her future, where she doesn't need them.

Supporting Example 1: Her ex-coworker calls (he betrayed her) and offers her a job. She says no, and she refuses to meet up again, therefore letting the past behind her. (Summary page 76/77)

Supporting Example 2: “I pulled a notebook out of my purse and flipped to a fresh page. Part of me thought this was the weirdest thing I’d ever heard.” (DQ page 52)

Supporting Example 3: He reminded me of someone. When I realized who, I shook my head and ignored my own thoughts. (Summary page 50/51)

Reason 2: When someone asks her to tell them about her past, she doesn't tell them and doesn't make a big deal of the things that don't matter anymore. She is letting the past go.

Supporting Example 1: When someone notices her scar on her cheek from the past, she just says it's a long story that doesn't need to be told. (Summary)

Supporting Example 2: “I don’t think I am, but who knows? Maybe I’m wrong.” (DQ page 52)

Supporting Example 3: “Got it,” I murmured. I didn't exactly want to talk about it." (DQ/Summary page 54)

Reason 3: She doesn't take her old memories or places and people into her daily life, she instead focuses on the moment during her day and tries to live life for the moment without letting the past affect her.

Supporting Example 1: “I nodded numbly. I couldn’t speak, couldn’t move. I breathed deeply, hoping he wouldn’t see that the blood had drained out of my face.” (DQ page 46)

Supporting Example 2: She starts over at a new job instead of trying to continue her old one. (Event page 64)

Supporting Example 3: She doesn't let someone who she just met change her idea, and she doesn't allow him to annoy her by asking about what she did a year ago/the past. (Event page 54/55)

Thursday, March 21, 2013

3.21.13- Home

Today I had my conference! It went well. The cool thing was that we finished at EXACTLY 3:40, which is when our assigned time was over!
We/our=my mom and I.
I'm really happy right now. I don't know why, sometimes there's just no reason. You're just, HAPPY. The end.
What would describe happy? Like, the word. Happy doesn't exactly describe it. It's just the definition.
I mean, I guess everyone has different definitions/descriptions of happy. Some people's ideas about it must be really complex and needy, but then again there are the people who are just happy about crazy things that some people ignore.
"If you're reading this, you're alive. If that's not something to smile about, then I don't know what is."
^ that's a quote. But I don't know where from. I saw it on a picture once I think...
But it's true so I wrote it. :)
But I'm gonna go now cause I have things to do and places to be happy! XD

3.21.13- Literary Essay Rough Plan (cont.)

Literary Essay Rough Plan

Claim: Ruthie from the story 'Swim' by Jennifer Weiner learns that sometimes you have to not let what's past affect your future.

Reason 1: When Ruthie is reminded about her past, she leaves it behind and doesn't take those memories into her future, where she doesn't need them.

Supporting Example 1: Her ex-coworker calls (he betrayed her) and offers her a job. She says no, and she refuses to meet up again, therefore letting the past behind her. (Summary)

Supporting Example 2: “I pulled a notebook out of my purse and flipped to a fresh page. Part of me thought this was the weirdest thing I’d ever heard.” (DQ)

Supporting Example 3: He reminded me of someone. When I realized who, I shook my head and ignored my own thoughts. (Summary)

Reason 2: When someone asks her to tell them about her past, she doesn't tell them and doesn't make a big deal of the things that don't matter anymore. She is letting the past go.

Supporting Example 1: When someone notices her scar on her cheek from the past, she just says it's a long story that doesn't need to be told. (Summary)

Supporting Example 2: “I don’t think I am, but who knows? Maybe I’m wrong.” (DQ)

Supporting Example 3: “Got it,” I murmured. I didn't exactly want to talk about it." (DQ/Summary)

Reason 3: She doesn't take her old memories or places and people into her daily life, she instead focuses on the moment during her day and tries to live life for the moment without letting the past affect her.

Supporting Example 1: “I nodded numbly. I couldn’t speak, couldn’t move. I breathed deeply, hoping he wouldn’t see that the blood had drained out of my face.” (DQ page 46)

Supporting Example 2 [direct quotation or important e

Supporting Example 3 [direct quotation or important events]

Wednesday, March 20, 2013

3.20.13- Home

Today was a half day! We have one tomorrow too... Because both days we have conferences. Mines tomorrow though, so I didn't have to go today.
It's 7:03 right now. Today I think I'll just list things... Like...


Okay I'll stop now.
By the way if you didn't know chartreuse is like a dark green color. I learned that from my brother Joey.
Half days are short, and I'm not complaining or anything. Just mentioning. But doesn't it feel weird to have to much time left over after school? Or only have a half hour of each class? That's what I thought.
Anyway, tomorrows a half day too so I'll be here again. Bye for now...

3.20.13- Literary Essay Rough Plan (cont.)

3.19.13- Literary Essay Rough Plan

Literary Essay Rough Plan

Claim: Ruthie from the story 'Swim' by Jennifer Weiner learns that sometimes you have to not let what's past affect your future.

Reasons: When Ruthie is reminded about her past, she leaves it behind and doesn't take those memories into her future, where she doesn't need them.

Supporting Example 1: Her ex-coworker calls (he betrayed her) and offers her a job. She says no, and she refuses to meet up again, therefore letting the past behind her. (Summary)

Supporting Example 2: “I pulled a notebook out of my purse and flipped to a fresh page. Part of me thought this was the weirdest thing I’d ever heard.” (DQ)

Supporting Example 3: He reminded me of someone. When I realized who, I shook my head and ignored my own thoughts. (Summary)

Reason: When someone asks her to tell them about her past, she doesn't tell them and doesn't make a big deal of the things that don't matter anymore. She is letting the past go.

Supporting Example 1: When someone notices her scar on her cheek from the past, she just says it's a long story that doesn't need to be told.

Supporting Example 2 [direct quotation or important events]

Supporting Example 3 [direct quotation or important events]

Reason: She doesn't take her old memories or places and people into her daily life, she instead focuses on the moment during her day and tries to live life for the moment without letting the past affect her.

Supporting Example 1 [direct quotation or important events]

Supporting Example 2 [direct quotation or important events]

Supporting Example 3 [direct quotation or important events]

Tuesday, March 19, 2013

3.19.13- Home

I'm at my brothers French horn lesson now. (It's 5:20, and I'm typing this on notes because I don't have wifi. I'll post this later when I can. But you don't need to know that because your reading it now, when I've finally posted it! Oh well, carry on.)
My brother's played the French horn since fifth grade, just like how I'm going to play percussion starting at this grade level. (Fifth.) He's actually really good. Not that I'm surprised. He just has a talent with music. Like the piano. He's good at that too, although he never believes me. (I'm right haha.) I just like to listen to him play the piano sometimes. It's pretty. LALALA ding ding. That's my amazing impression of how it sounds. Pretty detailed huh? JK JK.
I can play piano too, but he's older and better. That's okay with me though, because he can't play the bells or drums either now can he? XD
People think percussion is the easiest instrument, but it's way harder than they probably think. Just try reading the music. For the bells, eh they wouldn't do so well. For the drums, HAHAHAHAHAHAHAHA nope. Sorry. The drums beats are pretty hard, and they've never seen some of the symbols we know. So yup.
My five minutes is up, and Joey's lesson is almost over. BYE!


3.19.13- Literary Essay Rough Plan

Literary Essay Rough Plan

Claim: Ruthie from the story 'Swim' by Jennifer Weiner learns that sometimes you have to not let what's past affect your future.

Reasons: When Ruthie is reminded about her past, she leaves it behind and doesn't take those memories into her future, where she doesn't need them.

Supporting Example 1: Her ex-coworker calls (he betrayed her) and offers her a job. She says no, and she refuses to meet up again, therefore letting the past behind her. (Summary)

Supporting Example 2: “I pulled a notebook out of my purse and flipped to a fresh page. Part of me thought this was the weirdest thing I’d ever heard.” (DQ)

Supporting Example 3: He reminded me of someone. When I realized who, I shook my head and ignored my own thoughts. (Summary)

Reason: When someone asks her to tell them about her past, she doesn't tell them and doesn't make a big deal of the things that don't matter anymore. She is letting the past go.

Supporting Example 1 [direct quotation or important events]

Supporting Example 2 [direct quotation or important events]

Supporting Example 3 [direct quotation or important events]

Reason: She doesn't take her old memories or places and people into her daily life, she instead focuses on the moment during her day and tries to live life for the moment without letting the past affect her.

Supporting Example 1 [direct quotation or important events]

Supporting Example 2 [direct quotation or important events]

Supporting Example 3 [direct quotation or important events]

Monday, March 18, 2013

3.18.13- Home

I'm home. Hey look! Kylee emailed me. I'll check that after.
Now Mr. Joseph replied! Wow I'm popular. (JK JK)
I have to do this Spanish script thing for... Spanish. I'm in a group with Claire, Drew, Simon, Rachel and myself. The skit presentation is tomorrow, so I'm just reviewing. Claire and I are going to FaceTime and review them later again... But before then I have a study link! 10.1.
Pretty much all I have to say today is all the homework I have to do. Otherwise I'm afraid I'll forget it... But then again I have the wiki. So thank goodness for that.
Speaking of, I have to post this on the wiki. And email the link.
I'm reminding myself all this because for some reason, today I'm forgetting things. Maybe it's just a Monday thing. I hope I'm not the only one?
I'm out! Tomorrow's Tuesday!
I don't know why I reminded myself (or you who's reading it) that.

3.18.13- Identifying Reasons: Possible Topic Sentences

Identifying Reasons – Possible Topic Sentences

Using the questions you just answered about your character, push your thinking to explain why your claim is true. This is separate than the initial evidence you previously found. Each explanation becomes a reason, which could later serve as the topic sentence of each body paragraph.

Text Title: Swim

Claim: Ruthie from the story 'Swim' by Jennifer Weiner learns that sometimes you have to not let what's past affect your future.

My claim is true because in the story 'Swim', Ruthie has a hard past, but when she finally gets through it, she realizes that even though she still has memories of the problems in the past, she has to not let it affect her future.

Reason 1
When Ruthie is reminded about her past, she leaves it behind and doesn't take those memories into her future, where she doesn't need them.

-Her ex-coworker calls (he betrayed her) and offers her a job. She says no, and she refuses to meet up again, therefore letting the past behind her.

Reason 2
When someone asks her to tell them about her past, she doesn't tell them and doesn't make a big deal of the things that don't matter anymore. She is letting the past go.

Reason 3
She doesn't take her old memories or places and people into her daily life, she instead focuses on the moment during her day and tries to live life for the moment without letting the past affect her.

3.18.13- Identifying Reasons: Questions

Identifying Reasons - Questions
Answer the following questions about your character. Use what you know about how he or she acts, speaks to other character, and thinks. You may re-read your text to help you with your responses.

How did people or situations influence the character I’m writing about?
People and situations influence my character when they tell her that she is not able to do the job she wants to do and the job she enjoys. They force her to do a job that she doesn't enjoy, just for the money. But she knows in her heart that she doesn't want to be doing the jobs she is busy working on, she would rather be writing, which is the thing she enjoys working on. They influence her that she shouldn't be doing what she loves, but what she is required to do.

Why does he or she change?
She changes because the people around her don't give her enough opportunities, enough things to do. She would most likely be a very different person if it wasn't for the ways of the world affecting her thoughts and ideas, along with her creative process.

Explain what will continue to hold him or her back?
Other people's opinions and thoughts hold her back, because she is shy, and she's not willing to profess her ideas to everyone. In this way, she only hears other people's ideas and how good they are, and nobody will compliment her or help her with her ways.

Friday, March 15, 2013

3.15.13- Identifying Reasons: Questions

Identifying Reasons - Questions
Answer the following questions about your character. Use what you know about how he or she acts, speaks to other character, and thinks. You may re-read your text to help you with your responses.

How did people or situations influence the character I’m writing about?
People and situations influence my character when they tell her that she is not able to do the job she wants to do and the job she enjoys. They force her to do a job that she doesn't enjoy, just for the money. But she knows in her heart that she doesn't want to be doing the jobs she is busy working on, she would rather be writing, which is the thing she enjoys working on. They influence her that she shouldn't be doing what she loves, but what she is required to do.

Why does he or she change?
She changes because the people around her don't give her enough opportunities, enough things to do. She would most likely be a very different person if it wasn't for the ways of the world affecting her thoughts and ideas, along with her creative process.

Explain what will continue to hold him or her back?
Other people's opinions and thoughts hold her back, because she is shy, and she's not willing to profess her ideas to everyone. In this way, she only hears other people's ideas and how good they are, and nobody will compliment her or help her with her ways.

Thursday, March 14, 2013

3.14.13- Home

It's 8:02 right now. That's a good time I guess.
I just realized that I have exactly 50% of battery on my iPad. Like exactly half. How often does that happen and you notice? Yup, that's what I thought...
My brother is practicing his French horn. He's really good at it, I think. After all, he's been playing since 5th grade! You would expect some experience there. That's why I decided to start now. It'll be easier later when the new people are trying to learn (because they started late) we'll be able to say, "Yeah, I started playing percussion in fifth grade. What about you?" Bragging rights?
I don't even know what I'm saying anymore... But that's the point, right??
That's why this is SWT. :)
Oh well. After this I'm going to finish my science review. It's due tomorrow... And look at that! Times up!

3.14.13- Identifying Reasons: Possible Topic Sentences

Identifying Reasons – Possible Topic Sentences

Using the questions you just answered about your character, push your thinking to explain why your claim is true. This is separate than the initial evidence you previously found. Each explanation becomes a reason, which could later serve as the topic sentence of each body paragraph.

Text Title: Swim

Claim: Ruthie from the story 'Swim' by Jennifer Weiner learns that sometimes you have to not let what's past affect your future.

My claim is true because in the story 'Swim', Ruthie has a hard past, but when she finally gets through it, she realizes that even though she still has memories of the problems in the past, she has to not let it affect her future.

Reason 1
When Ruthie is reminded about her past, she leaves it behind and doesn't take those memories into her future.

Reason 2
When someone asks her to tell them about her past, she doesn't tell them and doesn't make a big deal of the things that don't matter anymore.

Reason 3
She doesn't take her old memories or places and people into her daily life, she instead focuses on the moment during her day.

3.14.13- Identifying Reasons: Questions

Identifying Reasons - Questions
Answer the following questions about your character. Use what you know about how he or she acts, speaks to other character, and thinks. You may re-read your text to help you with your responses.

How did people or situations influence the character I’m writing about?
People and situations influence my character when they tell her that she is not able to do the job she wants to do and the job she enjoys. They force her to do a job that she doesn't enjoy, just for the money. But she knows in her heart that she doesn't want to be doing the jobs she is busy working on, she would rather be writing, which is the thing she enjoys working on. They influence her that she shouldn't be doing what she loves, but what she is required to do.

Why does he or she change?
She changes because the people around her don't give her enough opportunities, enough things to do. She would most likely be a very different person if it wasn't for the ways of the world affecting her thoughts and ideas, along with her creative process.

Explain what will continue to hold him or her back?
Other people's opinions and thoughts hold her back, because she is shy, and she's not willing to profess her ideas to everyone. In this way, she only hears other people's ideas and how good they are, and nobody will compliment her or help her with her ways.

Wednesday, March 13, 2013

3.13.13- My List of Books Read *I am making a Google Doc for this and Books to read*


3.13.13 List of Books Read

Number: Title: Author: Genre: Date Completed: E, JR, C:
1 Moving Day by Meg Cabot: Fiction 9/26/12 JR
2 Eleven by Lauren Myracle: Fiction 9/27/12 JR
3 Bridge To Terabithia by Katherine Paterson: Fiction 10/5/12 JR
4 The Green Glass Sea by Ellen Klages: History 10/10/12 JR
5 Operation Redwood by S. Terrell French: Realistic Fiction 10/12/12 JR/C
6 The Mixed up Files of Mrs. Basil E. Frankweiler by E. L. Konigsberg: Realistic Fiction 10/15/12 JR
7 The Puzzling World of Winston Breen by Eric Berlin: Mystery 10/16/12 JR
8 The Tail of Emily Windsnap by Liz Kessler: Fantasy 10/18/12 E
9 True Stories by Unknown: True Stories 10/19/12 E
10 Ida B by Katherine Hannigan: Realistic Fiction 10/23/12 JR
11 Out of my mind by Sharon Draper: Battle book 10/29/12 JR
12 The Other Half of my heart by Sundee T. Frazier: Battle book 10/30/12 JR
13 The Danger Box by Blue Balliet: Battle book 11/2/12 E
14 The Search for Wondla by Tony DiTerlizzi: Battle book 11/5/12 JR
15 Heart of a Samurai by Margi Preus: Battle book 11/6/12 JR
16 Amelia Lost by Candace Fleming: Battle book 11/8/12 JR
17 Trouble Twisters by Garth Nix and Sean Williams: Battle Book 11/13/12 JR
18 Powerless by Matthew Cody: Battle book 11/14/12 JR
19 Touchblue by Cynthia Lord: Battle book 11/15/12 E
20 One day and one amazing morning on orange street by Joanne Rocklin: Battle book 11/16/12 JR
21 My life in pink and green (I reread it twice) by Lisa Greenwald: Social Action 11/23/12 JR
22 Hunger Games Tribute Guide (I reread it a lot) by Unknown: Description 11/30/12 E
23 Out of my mind by Sharon M. Draper: Battle book 12/5/12 JR
24 Rules by Cynthia Lord: Realistic Fiction 12/12/12 JR
25 The Christmas Story by Jean Sheperd: RF 12/19/12 E
26 Mockingjay by Suzanne Collins: Action 12/20/12 JR
27 Catching Fire by Suzanne Collins: Action 1/7/13 JR
28 Hidden by Helen Frost: Poetry/RF 1/9/13 JR
29 McKenna by Mary Casanova: RF 1/10/13 JR
30 McKenna ready to fly! by Mary Casanova: RF 1/13/13 JR
31 The Higher Power of Lucky by Susan Patron: RF 1/29/13 JR
32 Yotsuba by Kiyohiko Azuma: Graphic Novel 1/26/13 E
33 Socks by Beverly Cleary: RF 1/30/13 JR
34 Everything on a Waffle by Polly Horvath: RF 2/10/13 JR
35 (Reread for the battle) Amelia Lost by Candace Fleming: Biography 2/13/13 JR
36 The Darlings Are Forever by Melissa Kantor: RF 2/22/13 JR
37 Invisible I (The Amanda Project; Book 1) by Melissa Kantor: Mystery/RF 2/26/13 JR
38 Swim by Jennifer Weiner : RF 3/13/13 JR
39 The next best thing by Jennifer Weiner: RF Reading

3.13.13- Reading Goals

Date 3/13/13

First Name: Helen
Last Name: Devine

How many pages per day am I averaging? About 25
How many books per week am I averaging? 1 or 2 (depends the length of the book)
How many books per month am I averaging? About 8

New Goals
My new pages per day goal is: 25-30
My new books per week goal is: 2
My new books per month goal is: 8

The title of the book I am currently reading is The Next Best Thing by Jennifer Weiner.

Date 3/6/13

*My Reading Goals have not changed. I am still also reading Swim by Jennifer Weiner.*

Tuesday, March 12, 2013

3.12.13- Collecting Evidence

Collecting Evidence

Re-read to find textual evidence to help prove your claim.
Claim: Ruthie from the story 'Swim' by Jennifer Weiner learns that sometimes you have to not let what's past affect your future.

Pg. 65

-“What about the movie you were writing?”
I sighed. “I think I lost my inspiration.”

Pg. 55


Pg. 78

-Her ex calls her offering a job, but she lets the past go and doesn't take it.

Monday, March 11, 2013

3.11.13- Home

I'm at home. So... I'm writing for five minutes! Hooray!
So... Daylight savings time. How about no.
I don't like daylights saving time, if you haven't caught it. I mean, what it really is is pushing everyone FORWARD a hour. So really, when you get up at 6:00 AM, you're really getting up at 5:00 AM.
Or something like that.
It just makes me tired, and plus all the clocks have to be changed (well not all, but some) so for some reason people don't change them and it always catches me off guard cause the time is different in different places...

Oh well...
I have a math and Spanish test tomorrow... But they're really easy so I think I'll do good!! Plus the Spanish test is short and we've been studying for the math test forever!

Bye now!!


3.11.13- Theory About Characters (cont.)

Independently, select two or three theories you created about the main character in your own text that you feel you can find support from multiple places in the text. Keep track of your findings in the chart below. You may bullet-point your evidence (you will elaborate on the evidence at another time).

Theory about Character

Theory #1: Ruth (the character) argues with many people about many things because she feels that if she does not, people might view her as different or weaker.
Evidence from Text:

- “She pushed herself off her chair and drew herself up to her full height, giving the dragon embroidered across her chest a fond pat before she started talking." (DQ)

- "I expected my grandmother's eyes to light up, but she gave me a stern glare." (Summary)

- “Her cheeks were flushed underneath the rouge, and a vein in her neck was fluttering.” (DQ)

Theory #2: She pretends to be unfazed, but inside she is hiding her feelings.
Evidence from Text:

- ""I don’t know.” I wiped my eyes. “People surprise me sometimes.”" (DQ)

- “Halfway through the story I started to cry." (DQ)

- “My voice cracked on the last word.” (DQ)

Theory #3: She has very high expectations.
Evidence from Text:

- "I stared at the message for a while. I didn't think he was being honest with me." (Summary)

- "Oh god, I thought. Don't do that!" (Summary)

- "the thing about this is that it definitely needs work." (Summary)

Friday, March 8, 2013

3.8.13- Theory About Character (cont.)

Independently, select two or three theories you created about the main character in your own text that you feel you can find support from multiple places in the text. Keep track of your findings in the chart below. You may bullet-point your evidence (you will elaborate on the evidence at another time).

Theory about Character

Theory #1: Ruth (the character) argues with many people about many things because she feels that if she does not, people might view her as different or weaker.
Evidence from Text:

- “She pushed herself off her chair and drew herself up to her full height, giving the dragon embroidered across her chest a fond pat before she started talking." (DQ)

- "I expected my grandmother's eyes to light up, but she gave me a stern glare." (Summary)

- “Her cheeks were flushed underneath the rouge, and a vein in her neck was fluttering.” (DQ)

Theory #2: She pretends to be unfazed, but inside she is hiding her feelings.
Evidence from Text:

- ""I don’t know.” I wiped my eyes. “People surprise me sometimes.”" (DQ)

- “Halfway through the story I started to cry." (DQ)

- “My voice cracked on the last word.” (DQ)

Theory #3:
Evidence from Text:

Thursday, March 7, 2013

3.7.13- Home

Today I'm going to list things! Yay! Exciting stuff we got here. I think I'll list some singers and bands first because I'm listening to music right now...
Here we go!
-Selena Gomez
-One Direction
-Demi Lovato
-Taylor Swift
-Cher Lloyd
-Little Mix
-Ed Sheeran
-One Republic
-Matchbox 20

I'm just going to stop and write now.
I'm listening to a good song called "Unwell" by Matchbox 20. My brother got the lyrics stuck in my head earlier, so I thought I should listen to it. It's a good song. THANK YOU JOEY FOR THE SONG.
The songs over now.
Oops, there goes my timer!! It's been five minutes! BUH BYE!!

3.7.13- Theory About Character (cont.)

Independently, select two or three theories you created about the main character in your own text that you feel you can find support from multiple places in the text. Keep track of your findings in the chart below. You may bullet-point your evidence (you will elaborate on the evidence at another time).

Theory about Character

Theory #1: Ruth (the character) and her grandmother disagree on many things that they should agree on.
Evidence from Text:

- “She pushed herself off her chair and drew herself up to her full height, giving the dragon embroidered across her chest a fond pat before she started talking." (DQ)

- "I expected my grandmother's eyes to light up, but she gave me a stern glare." (Summary)

- “Her cheeks were flushed underneath the rouge, and a vein in her neck was fluttering.” (DQ)

Theory #2: She pretends to be unfazed, but inside she is hiding her feelings.
Evidence from Text:

- ""I don’t know.” I wiped my eyes. “People surprise me sometimes.”" (DQ)

- “Halfway through the story I started to cry." (DQ)

- “My voice cracked on the last word.” (DQ)

Theory #3:
Evidence from Text:

Wednesday, March 6, 2013

3.6.13- Theory About Character

Independently, select two or three theories you created about the main character in your own text that you feel you can find support from multiple places in the text. Keep track of your findings in the chart below. You may bullet-point your evidence (you will elaborate on the evidence at another time).

Theory about Character: She is really very shy and is hiding from people inside.
Evidence from Text
Theory #1

Theory # 2

Theory #3

3.6.13- *My List of Books Read and My List of Books To Read

My List of Books Read and My List of Books To Read have not changed since last week. I posted them last week, they are available in my February posts.


3.6.13- My Reading Goals

Date 3/6/13

*My Reading Goals have not changed. I am still also reading Swim by Jennifer Weiner.*

Date 2/28/13

First Name: Helen
Last Name: Devine

How many pages per day am I averaging? 20-30
How many books per week am I averaging? 2
How many books per month am I averaging? 8

New Goals
My new pages per day goal is: Somewhere in the 20s
My new books per week goal is: 2 1/2
My new books per month goal is: Maybe 8 1/2?

The title of the book I am currently reading is Swim by Jennifer Weiner

Tuesday, March 5, 2013

3.5.13- Thinking about Character

Thinking about Character

o What things or people does this character long for (want to do, enjoy)?

-She wants to write
-She wants to swim
-She wants to find someone she can trust and her grandma wants her to also.

o What does this character want to do or be by the end of the story?

She wants to be doing a job she loves with someone she loves. She really wants to write for someone and be able to do that as a job, because she doesn't like just working for money.

o What does the character fear?

She fears people finding out her deepest secret, that she is hiding and she is afraid. Afraid of not being good enough, but she is most afraid of going through life with nothing to love.

o What is the character struggling against? What gets in the character’s way?

She is struggling against emotions that she does not want to feel. She is trying to build a wall up against people who have left her, and she is having trouble with her work and her clients.

o What relationships does the character have and how do these relationships play a significant role in the story?

She has a relationship with her client, Caitlyn, who she stereotyped. But Caitlyn turned out to be different, and now Ruth (the main character) wants to help her.

o How does the character change over the course of the story?

She learns that some people are different, and that you shouldn't judge people by what they look like. She also learns that some people shouldn't be trusted, and she learns more about who you should trust and who you shouldn't. In this way, she learns more about the world around her and the people in this world.

o Does the character learn lessons or come to realizations?

She comes to the realization that sometimes people aren't as they seem. She thought someone was full of themselves, but it turned out that they were just having a hard life. She thought someone was nice and could be trusted, but they betrayed her. She learns a hard lesson that people are different and nobody should be judged by how they look or talk.